
Showing posts from December, 2021

Art Therapy: 4 Benefits in a Kid’s Life

Art Therapy: 4 Benefits in a Kid’s Life Arts are extremely strong, magnificent as well as therapeutic. The arts allow children to express themselves and their thoughts without having to put them into words, whether they are acting in a play, singing a song, dancing, drawing a picture, or writing a poem. This is only one of the numerous reasons why youngsters have taken part in various kinds of art therapy. What is art therapy? Any combination of dancing, writing, visual arts, drama, music, or other creative endeavors is referred to as art. These approaches are combined in art therapy to promote individual development and growth. The correct combination can help you feel better overall by reducing anxiety and stress, increasing self-awareness and self-esteem, building relationships, regulating habits, and enhancing social skills. This sort of therapy has also been demonstrated to assist children and adults cope with a variety of issues, including disability, anxiety, and trauma. Art the...

Academic Advantages of Playing Chess

Academic Advantages of Playing Chess Chess is a popular game all around the world. People assemble in living rooms, pubs, plazas, and libraries from Asia to Africa to test their wits over the prized checkerboard. Why are people prepared to invest so much time in the game? And how is this game good for youngsters all across the world? It's undeniably the truth that chess is a rigorous intellectual challenge that is beneficial to your child's mental health. Keep reading to learn what are the academic benefits of playing chess. Boosts concentration and memory power Chess helps your child remember things and concentrate better. His visual memory improves as he becomes more concentrated on the game. It's worth noting that excellent chess players have a stronger affinity for a specific type of memory: auditory memory. This refers to the player’s ability to remember what they've learned through listening. By concentrating, the player will be able to remember the previous game...

8 Ways to Control Your Child’s Screen Time

8 Ways to Control Your Child’s Screen Time Do you also face daily fights with your youngsters over tv, video games, or mobile phones? If yes, then this article is for you. While having unrestricted access to technology may keep your youngsters occupied, you don't want them to spend too much time in front of the screen. However, in today's screen-obsessed environment, limiting children's access to television and video games isn't always easy. Here are eight guidelines that parents can follow to determine how much screen time is appropriate for their children. Use of Electronics in a Healthy Manner When it comes to screen time, parents must set a good example for their children. Before you binge-watch your favorite Netflix series, keep in mind that your own time spent in front of a screen is setting an example for your children. "Techno-Free Zones" should be established Establish zones in your home where technology, such as cell phones, video games, and computer...

Sports- An Effective Way for Personality Development in Kids

Sports- An Effective Way for Personality Development in Kids The sporting activity entails more than just technique and scoring; it also entails healthy personality development. Have you ever considered how physical activity can aid in the development of soft skills, character, and a child's overall personality? Let's examine all of the advantages and significance of sports in terms of a child's personality development. Body Fitness- Physical and Mental Regularly participating in sports can help maintain a child’s body fresh & active. Whether your child prefers cricket, badminton, chess, or another sport, he or she will be able to engage in physical activity. This provides a lot of advantages such as: weight loss and muscle growth improved agility mental reflexes and coordination improves psychological and physical balance Instils Discipline Playing and excelling at a sport necessitates a high level of discipline. You may assist a youngster focus and set their mind to r...

5 Parenting Tips to Effectively Choose Your Words

5 Parenting Tips to Effectively Choose Your Words Do you face parenting challenges concerning children who rarely listen to you? The ultimate solution is to change your words. When you speak to children with nice words, you have a better chance of capturing their attention and maintaining their interest in anything you say. Your youngster will realize that the things you say and the words you use are a reflection of your current mood and sentiments. However, they frequently misinterpret your message and take everything you say personally. That is why speaking softly to your child is recommended. Thus, your child will comply with your request without being offended. However, there are a few tactics that you should employ to keep an active sense of communication with your children. Be as precise as possible Make it clear to your children what you're thanking them for. "Way to go!" is an excellent compliment. That is something that every child enjoys hearing. "I loved ...

5 Life Lessons for Choosing a Good Company of Friends

5 Life Lessons for Choosing a Good Company of Friends The individuals we select to spend time with can have an irreversible impact on our life. Children haven't endured long enough to understand the value of a good buddy, as well as the consequences of choosing the wrong pals. This is why parents must take the lead in guiding their children in making strong, long-lasting friendships that will help them grow as good human beings. Here are five strategies to teach your child how to make good company of friends. Be a role model for your child Parents can assist their children in making better choices by modeling the types of friendships that are beneficial to their children through their own choices of friends. Being a role model also entails modeling healthy friendships for your child by being a good friend yourself. Also, explain to your child why you have certain friends, what you've gone through together, and how they support or value you as a person. Bullying is not something...