What Motivates Your Child?
What Motivates Your Child? Are You Aware of What Motivates Your Child To Achieve Goals At Full Potential? Trying to figure out what motivates your child is a common issue that every parent faces at some point. According to studies, having a positive mindset has the greatest impact on motivation. It was shown that having a growth mindset affects motivation and achievement significantly. So, are you aware of “What Motivates Your Child”? What Effect Does Motivation Have On Learning? It is beneficial if you, as a parent, pat your children on the back and tell them how well they are doing. Let them know you applaud their perseverance in completing a challenging assignment or activity. Instead of complaining about the five things they may not have done well, find that "one" excellent thing you can say that would motivate them. Do You Set Goals For Your Child And Measure Them? Setting goals might help drive your child by giving them something to strive for. Setting goals has been li...