How often does your kid copycat you & how to benefit from this?

How often does your kid copycat you & how to benefit from this?

Your kids and teenagers are constantly monitoring what you do. They observe how you deal with pressure. They are interested in how you interact with others and deal with your emotions. They are like sponges, soaking in all of the information. Even if you don't think your kids are paying attention, being a good role model is essential.

Follow Your Own Set of Rules
It's difficult to always model acceptable behavior for your children, and no one expects you to be flawless. However, you should endeavor to set an example for your children by following the regulations you want them to follow.

If you want your children to be honest, you should aim to be honest yourself. If you tell "small white lies" instead of telling the truth, your children will learn that lying is acceptable.

Model good behavior for your children by following your household rules whenever possible. Similarly, utilize discipline that teaches life skills and explain how these rules will benefit them in the future. Your disciplinary tactics will be more effective if you demonstrate to your children that you follow the rules.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle
You're setting a positive example for your children if you eat well and exercise often. Furthermore, by preparing healthy meals and eliminating fast food, you are assisting your children in avoiding childhood obesity.

Of course, in your efforts to set a good example, try not to be overwhelming or restricted. Controlling your food intake or stressing over the appearance of your body (or your child's body) can lead to body image issues and eating disorders.

Demonstrate respect and teach empathy
Every parent desires to create children that are compassionate to others. When you model respect and empathy in your own life, this aim becomes a reality. Respect everyone you come into contact with, and your children will quickly follow suit.

Allow your children to witness you being empathetic and empathy toward others. Use incidents that occur in your environment to discuss how others may be experiencing. One of the most effective strategies to discourage children from bullying others is to teach them empathy.

Work diligently
Every child requires the development of a strong work ethic. Kids must have a strong work ethic to succeed in school, at a part-time job, or on a sports team. Modeling this ability at home is the greatest way to instill it.

Allow your children to see you working, whether you go to work every day or work from home. Even completing chores together as a family might help your children develop a strong work ethic.

Teach new skills

Show them how you do things when you want to teach them anything new, whether it's how to make their bed or tie their shoes. Allow them to practice on their own after that. Showing, rather than telling, is often the most effective approach for children to learn new abilities.

In this pandemic, you can also help your kids in learning many extracurricular activities through online classes provided by ChampDream. These fun-filled activities include dance, chess, and art.

What do you think?

Now we ‘do like to hear from you
  1. In what ways does your kid copycat you?
  2. Does this whole ‘copycat’ thing benefit your child?
  3. What skills did you and your children learn together in the pandemic?


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